Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is Nova Leap free?

    Currently, Nova Leap is available for free. However, we plan to introduce a paid version in the future that will include data processing and expedited customer support. You can launch via the AWS Marketplace today.

  2. Does Nova Leap have user login?

    Yes, upon launching the CloudFormation template, you will be prompted to provide a username and password. This credential will be used to access the Nova Leap interface.

  3. Can we generate SSL certificates for a custom domain or bring our own certificates?

    Absolutely. During the CloudFormation template launch, you will be given the option to provide domain names that you want to use to access the Nova Leap user interface. Upon launching, you can choose to generate SSL certificates using Let’s Encrypt or use your own certificates.

  4. Can we request features?

    Of course! We welcome any feature requests from our users. Simply send an email to, and we will be happy to discuss the features you would like to see in the platform.

  5. Do you integrate with other Ground providers other than AWS?

    Currently, Nova Leap does not integrate with other ground providers. However, we are actively working on partnerships to expand our integration capabilities.

  6. How do we reach support?

    You can contact us anytime at